Monday, April 19, 2010

[Reasons] to Rise Before the ((Sun))

[1] Hearing silence in a place where 3,000+ people live on 10 acres.
[2] Running by nothing but the light of stars.
[3] Robin Roberts does it!
[4] Getting any shower in the whole flipping bathroom you want. (...And hot water too).
[5] Watching the sunrise paint the sky.
[6] Fresh coffee.
[7] Having time to curl your hair, and read Jeanette Wallis, and listen to Mumford & Sons.
[8] Birds singing.
[9] Someone has to milk the goats. Disregard that we don't have any.
[10] Remembering "Today is always fresh with no mistakes in it."
[11] Experiencing strawberry 20% of your daily fiber needs Pop-Tarts. Yes. I'm addicted.