Saturday, March 21, 2009

Perfectly Overwhelmed.

Sometimes I forget to see the factors God places in my life to give me encouragement. I experience them on a physical level of reality, but don’t take the time to notice the voice of God speaking through them. I was discouraged today. It’s true. Who do I think I am? What makes me think I can whip through two majors and two minors in a few years, hightail it into law school somewhere, get out alive, and transform the infrastructures of mass organizations to offer better opportunities to disadvantaged kids?

I’ve been told I’m an overachiever, I’m too ambitious. Sometimes I’ve felt like agreeing. I get days like today when life is just overwhelming for one reason or another. …Then I get bombarded by Cedarville people.

I waltz into Collins hall, and the professors know my name. I somehow trip into Professor Smith’s office after a kind of hilariously awkward encounter with the secretary, and we just sit and talk for awhile. He asks about my life and strangely enough actually cares. He tells me my mom called him on the phone a few weeks ago to get specs on the DC semester, and he laughs when he tells me she told him he was my favorite professor. It was the same kind of laugh he laughs when students look pained over having to answer questions about government.

It’s almost dinner by the time I leave, so I skip over to unit 30 to see who’s hanging out. It’s Anna, Amy, Kelly, and Bethanne, all being their wonderful optimistic and joy-overflowing selves. We go to Mom and Dad’s for dinner, and I’m just blessed to have the chance to be around those precious girls.

Later on I find myself at the counter of Vecinos watching hysterical you-tube videos with Adam, Olivia, and David. Doug walks by with his goofy grin and tries to run me over with a garbage can. Walking into the Hive, there’s Suzy, who tells me it’s my obligation on Friday nights to put away homework, just for a few hours, and watch a dumb movie. She tells me as much as hard work, rest is also a necessity of college success. I think the girl’s got wisdom.

On the way back to the dorm, I end up in the journalism lab watching all the bloopers of news casts, and after that the practice rooms to play quirky piano duets. Finally getting back to the dorm, I watch Dejavu… just because I haven’t watched a movie in weeks, or months, then read my Bible, and get ready for bed.

Honestly, it wasn’t until just a few minutes ago sitting in my bed that I realized how much God has used people of all kinds to give me encouragement today. It’s not until looking back that I truly recognize the joy of the community on this campus. I rarely go a day without someone giving kind words of affirmation, encouragement, and praise. I hope I never take that for granted, and that I strive to show that thankfulness and gratitude for those around me.

I’m reminded of the words of Paul writing to the Philippians… “if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship and compassion, then make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”

I do. I do have so much encouragement from being united with Christ through salvation. I’m overwhelmed with comfort from the assurance of his love. The breath is whisked from my lungs from experiencing the joy of fellowship with other believers made possible through the Holy Spirit. I’m just so blessed to be a part of this community which strives to maintain the attitude of Christ in everyday life.

I’m still overwhelmed tonight, just not with the cares of my problems and self-consumed life. I’m overwhelmed instead with the limitless greatness of knowing Christ Jesus as my Lord, and seeing how he has such compassion on his sometimes discouraged daughter.


  1. heidi benson,
    i love you so much! you're the coolest person i have ever met :) your simply amazing! This blog always encourages me :) Thanks for being the best!!!

  2. that's sweet...there are so many things that we just take for granted and don't give God credit for, where if they weren't there, life would not be nearly as...I don't know what the word would complete? good? bearable? as it is. God is good. =) thanks for the encouragement, God bless, and take care. (and I promise I'm going to bed now so I can sleep before my test, haha.)
